Breast disease

All about breast
Breast definition:

Each breast contains about 15-20 clove and clove contains a small cloves ending vesicles produce milk and all of these lobes are linked channels and these channels reach the nipple in the middle of a dark-colored breast area. And Madam known that the amount of fat fills in the blanks around the lobes and channels and there are no muscles in the breasts, but there are bottom of the chest muscles and cover the ribs.
And each breast contains blood vessels and lymph vessels that lead to the lymph nodes and glands are found in clusters under the armpit and chest.

Breast screening method:

And is carried out in three phases:

See your breasts in front of a mirror to check any changes of their own.

Examine your breasts during Asthmamk and to check out right breast Raise your right hand over your head Use your left hand to examine and vice versa

Lie on your back and Check your breasts in the same way the previous and may Tkchwi changes in your breasts when you lie down at noon did not appear and you are sitting
And be detected comfortably middle three fingers and not the introduction of the fingers and تبدئي movement of the fingers in a circular motion on the breast from top to bottom and light pressure on the breast tissue. And advise Madam to be tested once a month and preferably one week after the beginning of the menstrual cycle after that at least enlarged breasts

And if you notice any changes in your breasts your doctor immediately

Breast Disorders:

It may be benign disorders or benign
And benign disorders include: -

* Pain breasts

* Vesicles Baltdaan
* Fibrosis tissue of the breasts
* Discharge from the breast
* Inflammatory breasts

Did breasts
: From normal to feel Ms. pain in the breasts before the start of the menstrual cycle and as a result of hormonal changes related to the occurrence of the menstrual cycle
But it may be a pain breast is a harbinger of some unrest in the breast before the presence of vesicles or as a result of the impact of certain foods and beverages such as coffee
Most breast pain ends quickly, but in some rare cases continue and be treated with drugs such as drug Aldnasul and is a hormone such as testosterone and creates drug Aldamoxovin which nullifies the effect of estrogen and thus relieved breast pain

Vesicles Baltdaan
Is a bags small fluid-Mlah and grow within the breast and easy sense
And the cause of these vesicles is not yet known, but some explain their existence because of some injuries to the breast
These vesicles may cause chest pain and to relieve this Am the doctor to withdraw these fluids from vesicle through needle certain and sends fluid for testing laboratory and must be noted physician quantity and color liquid outside of the vesicle and you will disappear after withdrawing fluid from or not. ..
And if a liquid blood or turbid color or vesicle will appear again after 12 weeks of liquid discharge in this case must be removed surgically vesicle as it may be the beginning of the emergence of breast cancer

Breast disease cystic fibrous
And is a common disease in some women and be accompanied by pain and breast is a breast follicles grouped and these symptoms often do not lead to the occurrence of breast cancer, but is treatable with drugs

Cirrhosis breast mass
Is a blocs solid small non-cancerous consisting of those fibers and tissues Gddah and is often appear in young age and these blocks move easily and can sense Bhow her soft touch and rigid because they contain collagen and often these conglomerates still surgically, but soon back again. After making sure that these non-cancerous lumps physician advised to remove them again

Nipple discharge
Is bloody secretions usually occurs by the presence of non-cancerous lumps in primary channels and most of these blocks can be felt or radiation may have been detected on the breasts and should be removed immediately
Secretions of the structure of the lady who did not carry or give birth before may be the result of hormonal changes

Inflammatory breast abscess
Inflammatory breast are rare and may occur at birth or stage after wounds (breast cancer symptoms may occur, such as symptoms of inflammatory breast)
And inflamed breast usually appear as redness, swelling and breast sensation heated and pain. And are addressing these symptoms with antibiotics

Breast Cancer:

Most types of breast cancer occurs or begins in the ducts and called mammary cancer canals and others appears in the small lobes and breast cancer called Alvsa
When cancer starts to spread outside the breast cancer cells reach the lymph glands in the armpit and in this case, the cancer begins to spread to all the cells of the body lymph

The risk of breast cancer is gradually increasing in elderly ladies

A history of the disease meaning that the Lady which was subjected to a breast cancer Old and treated can appear again

Genetic mutations: changes in certain genes makes Ms. susceptible to cancer

History of familial disease: Ms. having a family history of the disease with a mother or sister may be more prone to breast cancer incidence

Breast density: Breast women over the age of 45 years have MetLife and thick and difficult to sense tumors and thick tissue may turn to breast cancer

Exposure to radiation therapy: when Ms. exposed to radiation therapy, especially in the breast area, the chances of developing breast cancer are more

Pregnancy in the late Age: Ms. bearing for the first time after the age of 30 years of age have a chance exposure of breast cancer more than Ms. bearing and are at a young age

Women who are delaying menopause after the age of 55 years or the woman who spoke of the menstrual cycle before age 12 or women who did not become pregnant once or women who are subjected to hormonal therapy or birth control pills for a long time
Note: Also with the absence of these risk factors may be involved Ms. breast cancer or that with the presence of one of these factors may not develop breast cancer Ms.
Early detection of breast cancer:

The early detection and treatment of breast cancer makes the lady in the best condition and early detection through the rays of the breast in a systematic way and regular breast examination
One advantage of mammography that has detected breast cancer before feeling it as well as possible by these rays to see calcium deposits in the breast and that may be the beginning of breast cancer.
When breast examination at home there may be some signs but does not indicate the presence of cancer, such as swelling of the breasts during the menstrual cycle and the existence of some small blocks that exist in the breast as a result of hormonal therapy
Must do examine your breasts yourself or by your doctor on a regular basis after the age of forty

Symptoms of breast cancer:
Breast cancer does not give his debut in any pain or problems, but with the progress of the situation can occur following
Blocks or pools and breast density of the surrounding area and under the skin

Changes in the size and shape of the nipple and breast

Discharge from the nipple and pain and heaviness in the breast and nipple entry into the breast

The skin of the breast occurs changes and becomes like orange peel
Swelling and heat in the skin of the breast and the color red
Once you notice any of these symptoms should consult a private doctor quickly because early treatment is very important


Feeling: The doctor can determine the blocks in the breast and defined in terms of size, texture and movement
Mammography: further define the main features of the tumor is located
Sound waves to the breast: to determine whether the tumor is solid or liquid and if at all, any liquid or tissue removed from the breast should be subjected to pathological examination to determine its quality and are obtained fluid or tissue from the breast in one of the following ways
- The use of a needle giving: liquid is withdrawn from the breast and is used to determine whether a tumor containing fluid and be in this case, a benign tumor or absence of liquid solid tumor and in this case, the tumor
And if the liquid withdrawn from the breast transparent liquid that does not mean anything and just needs to continue
- Sample needle: it is used to remove part of the fabric of the suspect that the tumor and this tissue is sent to a laboratory for examination of cancer cells
- Sample surgery: in this case, the surgeon excised part of the tumor and sends it to the lab to examine cancer cells [/ list] There are several questions you should Tsalleha when deciding your doctor you should Tkhaddaa to take a sample of the breast is: [list] [*]
What are the types of sample, and why? [*]
- How long does it take from the time to take a sample and you will be harmful to me? [*]
- When I know the result? [*]

Once doubt in the presence of breast cancer, the doctor sends the sample to the lab, which determines what kind of cancer is it in deciduous channels or whether it is diffuse lobes in nearby tissues or not [*]
There are some research laboratory that serve to identify the type of cancer, such as test hormone receptor It helps to know if the type of cancer found his relationship disorder hormones sense that this disorder if a positive means that this tumor is widespread and increasing the influence of hormones and in this case, the treatment here is treat hormonal [*]

What is the type of tumor and is widespread in the body? [*]
Is the tumor has to do with hormones? [*]

Treatment depends mainly on the size and location of the tumor in the breast and on the results of laboratory research and grade of the tumor itself, as well as the age of Ms., public health, and the lymph nodes under the armpit become perceptible or not, as well as on the size and the degree of spread of breast tumor [*]
There are some questions that should Ms. write it down and ask her doctor before starting treatment:
- What types of treatments are available?
- What are the expected results of each type of treatment?

Topical treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, and is used to remove and destroy the cancer cells in a specific area of ​​the breast [*]

Topical treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, and is used to remove and destroy the cancer cells in a specific area of ​​the breast [*]
Comprehensive treatment includes chemotherapy and hormonal therapy and can be subject to Ms. one type of treatment or for both sexes [/ list] First: Surgery:
Surgery is one of the most important therapeutic methods to remove the breast cancer and surgeon should tell Ms. all the details of the surgery and its side effects and usefulness
Types of surgery is either an entire breast removed if the tumor is large and diffuse in the tissues of the breast or lumpectomy only and left breast. Or eliminate all the channels or section tumor
After that follows surgery radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells that may be present after the operation
In some cases, the surgeon does removal of lymph cells in underarm to determine if the tumor has spread to the lymphatic system or not
And there is a modern type of surgery is to remove the breast full and most of the lymphocytes in the armpit, as well as tissue above the chest muscles as well as العضلتين Alsdreeten be eradicated to make sure to remove lymphocytes

Now that was mastectomy, there are some opinions to breast industrial action after the operation and here are some important questions for this case:
[List] [*] What kind of operation? [*] Do you follow the process radiotherapy? [*] Do I need to remove lymphocytes and why? [*] What will I feel after the operation? [*] What kind of fabric that will consist after process where surgery? [*] If you decide after the operation that he was subjected to the process of breast industrial when I start it and how? [*] Can I do some special exercises? [*] Can I go back to my activity normal? [/ list] Second : Radiation therapy:
This type of treatment is used to kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing and radiation therapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy or hormonal be beneficial before surgery to destroy cancer cells and reduce tumor size
But before starting radiation therapy should ask the doctor the following: [list] [*] Why do I need for this kind of treatment? [*] When I start treatment and when does it end? [*] What will I feel during treatment? [*] What are precautions that should I follow during radiation therapy? [*] Can I exercise my normal life? [*] How will seem breast after treatment? [*] What are the chances of return of the tumor in the breast again? [/ list] III: Treatment chemical:
And is the use of certain drugs to kill cancer cells and is considered a comprehensive treatment of where it enters the body
And passes through the circulatory system and is administered in the sessions as follows:
Treatment for a certain period, followed by a rest period and then a period of treatment followed by comfort and so on ...

Fourth: hormone therapy:
It depends on preventing cancer cells from getting the hormones necessary for growth and include either drugs that change the way hormones work or surgery that lead to root Alambadtin who have provided estrogen
And hormonal therapy is the treatment of all parts of the body

Some questions about chemotherapy and hormonal such as: [list] [*] Why do I need for this kind of treatment? [*] What types of drugs that will I eat and what is its role? [*] Are there side effects of these drugs and why you should I do if these effects occur? [*] If there is hormonal therapy is the best way to treat this way with medication or surgery? [*] What is the duration of treatment necessary for me? [/ list] side effects for the treatment of cancerous tumors:
Very difficult to reduce the side effects of cancer treatments where healthy cells and tissues may be affected by this treatment.
The side effects vary depending on treatment methods

First: the side effects of surgery: [list] [*] pain simple scene of the operation. [*] Bleeding and delayed in the process of wound healing [*] Some infections result of the operation [*] sensitivity and side effects of the Bing [*] remove a breast during surgery may impair balance in weight women, especially if breast size large, which makes Ms. feel uncomfortable, especially in the neck and back [*] skin in the breast area المستأصل may be stretched to the point that it makes arm muscles and shoulder stiff and tight, making the movement of these muscles are limited and can be overcome This physical therapy for these muscles [*] may feel Ms. after the operation Ptnmal in the chest and under the skin, shoulder and arm as a result of a cut or wound in the nerves in the area of ​​operation and these symptoms disappear after a few weeks of operation [*] when you remove the lymph nodes under the armpit, this reduces the process flow liquid lymphatic and this may lead to the accumulation of the fluid in the hand, arm and leads to swelling [/ list] Second: the side effects of radiation therapy: - [list] [*] overexertion, especially in the last few weeks of treatment may continue period after treatment. [ *] skin in place radiotherapy becomes red and painful and has twill, but at the end of treatment the skin becomes moist and begins to peel and possible to overcome this case exposure skin to air as much as possible and advisable to wear cotton clothes that do not stick to the skin and these effects on the skin are temporary and often ends after treatment. [*] may be the size of the breast after radiotherapy smaller than normal [/ list] Third: the side effects of chemotherapy: -
Depends on the type of drugs that are covered and learn Madam that anti-cancer drugs affect living cells such as blood cells and occurs following: [list] [*] infections or persistent bleeding and suffering Ms. of inactivity. [*] Hair loss and loss of appetite and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and mouth ulcers. And be this effect is transient throughout the treatment [*] may be involved ladies that address treatment chemical leukemia as a result of exposure of red blood cells to influence harmful drugs anticancer [*] may cause cell destruction ovaries leading to a sense of Ms. symptoms of menopause due to the interruption of the session [* ] may cause infertility in women who over the age of 40 years [/ list] Fourth: hormone therapy: - [list] [*] depends on the type of hormone therapy and varies from woman to another [*] The drug Altamoxovin is the most important drug used in this area It does prevent the effect of the hormone estrogen, but it does not prevent the production of this hormone and this medication may cause the following: -
- Infections and vaginal discharge
- Uterine cancer
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Clots in the veins of the men [*] ladies young age may become pregnant easily result this property so must consult a doctor to use a means of contraception throughout the treatment [*] In some ladies are ovaries removed to stop the secretion of the hormone estrogen and this causes symptoms menopause very much [/ list] breast reconstruction after industrial process:
list] [*] rehabilitation after the operation is very important in the treatment [*] is important to help Ms. patient to quickly returns to its natural way to take care of their health and through: -
- Exercise some light exercise to help restore muscle movement of the hands and shoulder and to relieve pain in the neck area and exercise should start two days after the end of the process and start simple and then increase after
- May be able to Ms. prevent swollen hands result eradicate lymphoma and collect liquid lymphatic or minimize its impact by some exercise and Valuation attribution arm on a pillow, as well as a massage normally on your arm to help drain fluid lymphatic and may need to wear belt rubber to improve the validity lymphatic fluid [/ list] periodic follow:
Periodic medical examination is very important after the eradication of breast tumors to make sure that these tumors will not come back again and this examination include:
Checking their breasts and chest and skin and neck. [*] Rays on breasts at intervals [*] checking the other breast if properly by to make sure no injury cancer where there is a risk factor in the incidence [*] should tell your doctor about any changes happen to you, such as loss of appetite, change in menstrual cycle with vaginal discharge, blurred in the eye and constant headache, change in unit volume, pain in the back as these symptoms may be related to cancer relapsing again

Living with cancer:
The diagnosis of breast tumors may have an impact on your life and the lives of your spouse and cause you depression and fear .. But these things are normal for persons who face a difficult problem in their lives
Some women are afraid of the changes that occur to their body as well as how others perceive them as well as feel the fear of cancer that may affect her sex life with her husband, but vice versa, the sexual relationship is a very unusual way, the pair must stand beside you in this period
Some women feel worried about from attending work or a family or start a social relationship, but this Unlike expected, where you the able to be Tmarsa and your life naturally

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