Monday, December 17, 2012


N Althalasamyat are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by a disorder when that occurs to one or more series of chains Algluben normal alpha or beta machine blood Vinqs production and increase contrast produce another series. And Altalasamyat generally do not contain abnormal hemoglobin sickle cell Kalkhaddab and lies imbalances disorder production normal Alkhaddabat. However this occurring genetic mutations at each  some reported relatively atypical Khaddabat. The most important patterns Althalasemia is alpha and beta.

Alpha - Thalasemia

Abound in South East Asia and Asia and less than in other regions of the world, caused by a genetic disorder that occurs to a series alpha Algluben in normal hemoglobin. Since hemoglobin normal on three types of hemoglobin A consists of beta -2 - and alpha - 2 - and hemoglobin A2 consists of gamma -2 - and alpha -2 - and hemoglobin F and Series Alpha common with all these Alkhaddabat the discomfiture lead to a decrease in the production of these Alkhaddabat three. And the extent to which Taatthbt alpha gene result Talasamyat very different symptoms. According Shidadtha distinguishes them four groups are 2 THAL alpha or thalassemia compatible zygote (see attached table) The first group is not symptom nor anemia except low MCV; MCH while the resulting anemia small pellets and moderate intensity in the second set, but disease hemoglobin H Viazahr degree variable of hemolytic anemia moderate severity and is characterized by the presence of inclusions INCLUSIONS of erythropoiesis caused by deposition of hemoglobin is hard B4 The syndromes severe compatible zygote shall be fetus where Mstskie and die in utero or Balamas and if it is born alive, lasting life only a few hours and be Mstskie and edematous and minus weight with the presence of an enlarged liver and spleen.

The reason for the hemoglobin) H 4B) and hemoglobin Bart BART is an activity other Algluben chains when Taatthbt or lose the alpha chain. If increased activity chain beta resulting hemoglobin H any (4B) If more active chain gamma resulting hemoglobin Bart (Hb-Bart) If discourage chain alpha partly consists hemoglobin Lepore (Hb-Lepore), which consists of chains thousand together united with parts of beta and delta chains.

The diagnosis of alpha Althalasemia trait is not easy nor is only studying the situation of the family genetic and genetic studies, but doubted its existence in the case of a small red cells and depigmented was not caused by iron deficiency or trait Althalasemia beta.

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Beta - Thalasemia

Abound beta - Thalasemia in our country and in the Mediterranean basin unlike alpha - Thalasemia that abound in East Asia. And is caused by a genetic defect that affects a series Algluben beta Vinqs produce hemoglobin A and increasing the netting production chains Delta and gamma and thus increases hemoglobin 2A and F and Talasemia many kinds What matters is to beta Thalasemia to the large spread in our country, so when you mention the word Thalalsemia henceforth mean the beta Thalasemia. Which two basic types, heterogeneous zygote and compatible zygote.

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Althalasemia major beta

And called Althalasemia compatible zygote or Cooley's anemia and lose Genta beta and consists of Slseltehma something of hemoglobin A and if the amount of it is a little do not care.

The excess amount of the alpha Algluben that breeds opposition to the beta chain ends erythrocyte sedimentation within the wholesale is affected by breed red on one side and shorten the age of erythropoiesis second hand. And be the blood resulting Allafal cause a sharp widening in bone marrow long distances in the skull and facial bones along with blood generated from members of extramedullary such as the liver and spleen. And bony changes in the skull gives hair standing view and breadth of fresh tissue and caves distances in the long bones and small shows periosteum thin peel and a little intensity. Then there will be growth retardation and delayed puberty, it seems the child is small in size and less healthy older than his peers, although he lived to adulthood is a minor transgenetic. Since the spleen is playing a key role in the book erythropoiesis distorted and Ikhrabha it gradually swells and extends to the bottom up to the left iliac fossa and put pressure on neighboring organs symptoms appear.

- Vessels assets:

Look at the bloody smear red cells is very small and the other large third and two goals and fragmented fourth and fifth nucleated and in large numbers and are a high proportion of reticulocytes and a high number of leukocytes. And reduces the number of red blood cells and the amount of hematocrit and hemoglobin. And the hemoglobin level is one who has not transferred his blood between 3-6 g / 100 ml. As shall be pure plus cellular and Balkhash in the red sentence to become popular wholesale rate to wholesale red 2/1 or 1/1 has reversed becomes 1/2 or 1/3 instead of the normal rate of 2-5/1. If the iron Bmllonath color plus found. The gel electrophoresis hemoglobin shows a sharp rise in hemoglobin F 80-90%, and a decrease in hemoglobin A 0-3% and variable amounts of hemoglobin 2A may be together or slightly plus 2-5%. Early death was common before the passage of two or three years of the child's age, but today thanks to blood transfusions regulator has become possible to maintain a constant level of hemoglobin between 8-10 g / 100 ml and greatly decreased the incidence of bone growth disorder. The absolute increase the absorption of iron and increase iron resulting from blood transfusion to various complications.

Althalasemia beta Minor

Called an attribute or trait Altalasemia

Also called Althalasemia heterogeneous zygote or trait Althalasemia. And characterized by a lack of production of the beta chain, so do not pretend loud signs and symptoms that we found in major Althalasemia, hence the name micro Althalasemia.

- The clinical manifestations of trait Althalasemia:

Is the presence of anemia moderate intensity is not commensurate with the small red blood cells for hemoglobin, which ranges between 10-12 g / 100 ml, so be MCV low and often up to 60 Vmto liters, for this see erythropoiesis and Alturnseverin in serum together and be Baruben serum plus a little. And hemoglobin electrophoresis reveals the presence of hemoglobin A high percentage of between 90-95%, and hemoglobin 2A be a plus slightly by between 5-7%, while hemoglobin F, rising at 50% of the patients by between 2-10% of that failure to increase does not deny the diagnosis .

This is the clinical picture and laboratory Talasemia Minor that should set it apart from iron deficiency anemia who err in diagnosing many doctors in iron deficiency anemia low serum iron and rises very total capacity Association of Iron, and enlarged spleen usually only when a few people. May share the trait abnormal hemoglobin with Altalasemia micro be added symptoms previous to clinical manifestations. The sickle cell gene existed with micro Altalasemia, called the situation then Bkhalh sickle Altalasemia.

Benefits of walking

U.S. researchers said on walking for a distance of six miles at least some (9 kilometers) a week may be one of the things
That people can do to protect the brain from contraction and resistance to dementia.
A study of about 300 people: traced distance distorted by every week, that those who walked six miles
Least brain shrinkage was associated with age have less than those who walked shorter distances.
(The size of the brain shrinks in aging, which can cause memory problems.
Our results should encourage well-designed trials of physical training in the elderly كتوجه promising to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease)
. And kills Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, brain cells slowly and studies have shown that activities such as walking boost brain size.
Scientists say that walking is useful in improving the performance of the heart and maintain health and reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure
And improve metabolism and utilization of nutrients, since studies indicate that the metabolic rate
Be slow in human fat which is not practiced movement, while be rapid metabolism has practiced movement or sport
And strengthens bones and preserve the health of the joints and strengthens muscles and alleviates stress,
The sport is generally conducive to the secretion of endorphins, which gives hormone human feeling comfortable and happy.
It is known that walking thus relieve tension and anxiety disorders from the pressures of everyday life that does not end.
Through practicing sports activities including hiking gets rights on the self-concept of the positive side
Where he was happy and pleased and optimistic outlook to his character and the same. Walking preserves the balance of rights and maintains his fitness simplest kinds of sports,
Once walking acquires rights a lot of fitness and eliminates many of the diseases that
Can that Taatari rights to the large sitting and moving less, and walking is a sport center between sports there is Baniv Vejehd body
And leads to muscle hypertrophy as we see it when practicing athletics, nor is it so bad and access rights with him
To sag so walking is a compromise to resist what is produced by the left.

Health risks and damage to fast food

Warns all medical studies and nutritional risks of eating junk food on human health and safety, and know fast food as the foods that are prepared quickly and that are rich in fat and oils, sugars and salts, and is characterized by fast food that calorie content is very high, but that the surplus of calories thermal, and most important fast food, mention fried chicken, burgers, chips, pies, pizza and shawarma, canned potatoes, accompanied by eating those meals to drink large quantities of soft drinks also harmful to human health.
The dangers of fast food and soft drinks risk warned them earlier in scientific and educational prospects, but what is reported worldwide risks and findings to the researchers we publish from time to time about the dangers of these foods that have invaded our daily lives dramatically.
Researchers say that the reason Alambacharfi disadvantages fast food on human health, is that these meals contain calories surplus, exceeding its requirements and needs of the natural simple as that and meals fast food cluttered work control system in appetite in the brain, it is characterized by energy intensive, which contains The meal calories than twice the calories in a similar-sized meal of healthy food.
He says in this regard consultant nutrition Dr. Tariq Raza (the reports issued by the World Health Organization, pointed out that malnutrition causes of major killer in Egypt, followed by chronic diseases, stressing that the most consuming fats with more number of deaths that less turn in Asian countries such as China and Japan to their dependence on natural herbs and olive oil in food).
Added Dr. Tariq Raza, reliance on fast food caused the spread of many diseases such as obesity and greasiness hepatitis, osteoporosis, cysts ovarian and other as well as to drink carbonated water affects bone fragility calling a healthy diet based on salads, vegetables, olive oil and no extravagance in eating cheese cooked, cream, ice cream, pizza and fries.
And Reza pointed out that the amount of water in the body weakens as age and longer wrinkles and lack of body size when aging sign of lack of it, calling a lot of drinking water and set aside time to exercise daily and install mealtime to enjoy good health.
The satisfaction that man needs to calcium in the first years of life and can be obtained from multiple sources such as dark vegetables and dairy products, advising cook steam to keep the vitamins in it and not boiled for long periods of time.
Reza explained that the wrong diet which followed the Egyptian society and behind palace life and sudden death, calling for a return to the era of primitive man and return to normal and avoid junk food is responsible for idle state that afflict the Egyptians and sleep during the work and nervousness.
Fast food and depression
Fast food direct relationship injury depression, and we were at the site of the prospects scientific and educational has been released previously results of a study published in the Daily Telegraph showed that eating junk food causes injury to depression and affect mental health and that of eating hamburgers and sausages and pizza are more inclined to depression by 51% , than their counterparts who rarely consume.
Warns Dr. Bahaa El Din Nagy consultant nutrition from eating junk food because they infect human depression and make it aggressive, stressing that the fast food by a large amount of saturated fat, which stimulates the secretion of the hormone adrenaline body making the rights more aggressive and stimulate quarrel with others and provides the actions is calculated such as divorce, warning of the danger chemical diets that rely on proteins, advising eating fruits and starches, and chocolate because it improves mood.
Dr. Nagy, that the quality of food that people eat contributes to determine the temperament and this has to be to avoid eating protein and fatty substances at night because they lead to sleep troubled and nightmares, also makes a person suffering from a bad mood the next morning, advising eating a cup of yogurt plus two tablespoons of Honey bees because it improves the performance of the digestive tract.
The Naji that eating chocolate as well-balanced meals elements containing starches such as rice, pasta and wheat improves the mood, it helps the body use the article "serotonin" responsible for the sense of serenity mood and feeling of happiness, stressing that the fast food hamper synthesis of this article.
Nagy added that the almonds and yogurt, broccoli, elements that also contribute to improving the mood and digestion and to avoid human psychological diseases related to food as a result of obesity.
This study has shown by Kaulinska Institute for Research in Stockholm, that a diet rich in sugar and fat as in fast food may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
The researchers studied the actions of genetically modified mice after he gave her over a period of nine months of fat-rich foods, sugar and cholesterol.
She explained Susan Oktirin bearing study, it turned out by studying the brain of these mice and a change of chemical similar Baltbdl registered in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, the researchers noted that a large amount of cholesterol in food reduced the presence of its protein in the brain called the "Ark" and contribute to the process of "storage" memory .
And underwent these mice before the amendments genetic tradition of changing the gene mankind "Abu any 4" which is one of the risk factors of the disease, which among its functions transferred cholesterol, earlier studies had indicated the existence of a link as possible between diet and the emergence of this disease.
Alzheimer's disease affects close to him disorders, more than 24 million people in the world and "this number will double every twenty years," according to a recent report by the World Health Organization.
Multiple risks of fast food
Warned British researchers that fast food fatty and rich in fat, may cause addiction in the same way, caused by drugs, especially heroin, where they discovered that overeating is not due to lack of will and self-control, but because of factors addiction certain, so that the human body addict fats and sugars, which helps explain the high rates of obesity in the world.
They say that fatty foods and fat-rich active secretion of chemicals responsible for feeling pleasure and orgasm in the brain, known Balavionat natural, which encourages the adoption of certain animals and even humans, sugars and sweet food, interpreting it that the brain in this case has become addicted to Avionath itself , the same principle of drug addiction, is also thought to control the appetite is done through a complex system of hormones, and other substances produced by the body.
Also, fast food destroy male fertility also reported a recent study that excessive junk food has harmful effects on cells of testicular due to increased deposition of fat contained in these meals and oxidation with invasion cascade of cell testicular causing Tlifaa and disorder and functions, where reduced rate male hormone known as "Testosterone," which threatens male fertility.
Through the study conducted on laboratory animals in research unit of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University Egypt, by feeding male mice meals comparable to fast food in content and content included hamburgers and live Alkaiser mixed Beslsat mayonnaise and ketchup for a period ranging from 5 months and continuously .
It turned out that eating rats eagerly deep this type of food is reflected in the increase in weight clearly and private obesity internal organs, and deposited fat and increased rates of fat oxidation and decreased male hormone "testosterone", where examination revealed tissue microscopically degeneration evident in cells and testicular few animals Sperm and clearly fibrosis, and was the most likely cause of all this increased fat deposition and oxidation with its successive invasion of testicular cells.

Olive oil may protect against breast cancer

Olive oil may protect against breast cancer

Male U.S. researchers that the benefits of olive oil, which recently reached the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, according to news magazine Annals of Oncology American in the number of recently released, the research team Medical College Weinberg at Northwestern University conducted a series laboratory experiments on cells derived from cancers of the breast tumors and found that the oleic acid found in abundance in olive oil has led to low levels of carcinogenic gene and gene code name of Her-2/neu by almost 46%, and this gene leads to the conversion of normal cells into cancer cells.
According to team head researcher Dr Javier Menendez, the conclusion reached by the research team explain why low rate of injury peoples of the Mediterranean breast cancer, heart disease and aging, and as a result they follow patterns food include eating relatively large amounts of olive oil.
This study showed that the benefits of acid oleic found in olive oil Increase the efficiency of drug Hersiptin, and this property stimulates the immune system in humans to attack cancer cells that contain a high proportion of the gene carcinogenic, but the research team is trying to know the exact mechanisms at the molecular level to work oleic acid and its role in the inhibition of gene carcinogenic, it was found that the inhibitory effect works according to a mechanism different from that which works out drug Hersiptin.
For their part, have said the research team they are currently seeking funding for further testing to know the effect of eating large amounts of olive oil on the inhibition of gene carcinogenic private tumors mammary human being cultivated in experimental animals Will restrict the spread of cancer where, as well as come to know effect of eating foods that contain larger amounts of oleic acid on the work drug Hersiptin.
Mention here that the Her-2/neu gene resides in high proportions in 20% of women with breast cancer, as proven by its association with other types of tumors.

Damage to soft drinks

Damage to soft drinks
People come to soft drinks on hot days in the belief that it removes thirst and make them feel Ppalartwae and this belief is totally wrong because they disturb the balance of body fluids and endure drought as needed rights to drinking the amount of water equivalent to seven times what drink soft drinks to restore this balance and does not stop Thread at this point as it has been recently limited to ten damage and diseases caused by soft drinks for the body and are:
1 - Obesity: lead drink bottle and one of the soft drinks a day to increase the half kilo grams per month because they contain large amounts of sugar and increase drinks Diet sweetened sweeteners industrial body weight at a higher rate than those caused by soft drinks regular what caused the reactions hormonal.
2 - liver damage: that excessive intake of these beverages increases the risk of cirrhosis of the liver also caused by alcohol.
3 - Tooth Decay: Due to the extreme acidity, these drinks melt very effectively outer layer of teeth and increase the likelihood of tooth decay three times compared with what has been caused sugars found in sweets.
4 - kidney stones: that drinking more than four packages of size 250 ml per week increases the risk of kidney stones by 15% and because they contain phosphoric acid, which alter the composition of the urine in the body.
5 - Diabetes: Since these drinks cause obesity, it paves for diabetes and represent the amount of sugar in one package a heavy burden on the body metabolism and burned.
6 - flashback esophageal: It is out gastric juices severe acidity of the stomach into the esophagus, causing a feeling of troublesome heartburn extends to another mouth and cause excess consumption of these drinks increase in the acidity of the stomach and gathering of gas emanating from the bottom of the gate that separates the stomach from Marri leading to a pressure and cramps incite open and exit the acidic stomach acid into the esophagus.
7 - Osteoporosis and fragility: decrease these drinks of calcium in their blood who shall body compensates for this deficiency by pulling calcium from the bones become bones of the body gradually weak and brittle bones.
8 - Hypertension: causing the high consumption of these drinks, whether regular or diet high blood pressure as it increases blood viscosity and acidity.
9 - heart disease: lead consumption more than an explosive one day lead to the emergence of metabolic syndrome and is a four symptoms is to: ((overweight - high blood pressure - High blood sugar - high cholesterol)) and cause soft drinks occurrence of all symptoms and enough of a previous three body becomes a candidate for heart disease and blood
The heart and blood vessels.
10 - infections and gastrointestinal disorders: cause acid in these drinks increase in the acidity of the stomach, leading to irritation walls so warn doctors of drinking on an empty stomach as they cause a major imbalance in the balance of acid alkali of the stomach and duodenal paving to inflame.
It is worth mentioning that quitting these beverages is the only solution to avoid the disadvantages are not needed by the body drinks and can be replaced with water or fresh juices without any hesitation, I told you damage soft drinks Moo-dimensional say nectar Macalt We

Cerebral Palsy Alkanaa (worm)

Cerebral Palsy Alkanaa (worm)

The term is used to express a kind of cerebral palsy where infection in the basal ganglia Basal ganglion.
An increase of approximately 20-25% of the cases, the rate has fallen in developed countries as a result of control on the most important causes of jaundice caused by increase of proportion البيلوروبين in the blood, which occur as a result of broken blood One of the most important causes jaundice blood group incompatibility Rh.Incompatibility
This type of cerebral palsy difficult to diagnose before the end of the first year of life, but show it in the first year of certain signs, such as:
o relaxes the muscles of the neck
o delayed acquisition of motor skills, such as volatility, crawling, sitting and walking
o them, and notes that there are continuous movements of the limbs (involuntarily) disappear when sleeping.

In this type there is a sag in one of the parties or a combination of them with a intermixing in harmony muscular, so the there are periods where the increase in harmony muscular (muscles tense and taut), followed by moments where a lack of harmony (muscles and weak and loose), and notes that the movement:
o torsional irregular movements and non muscle near the middle of the body
o worms movements slow rhythmic متلوية of the Parties (the existence of the movement, that there is no movement), differ from vibration or Flicker
o presence movements autosomal undesirable random (Rgosaih) Parties multiple formats such movements sudden (which can not be predicted or controlled) and convulsive movements (shrinking), as they appear movements and spasms on facial and mouth, usually increase with tension and emotion and disappear during sleep .
o these children find it difficult to put the body upright and balanced in my case movement and stillness
o little sense of balance and perception of depth Depth perception which makes the child walks a faltering Mbaeida way his feet to be able to balance, as we see clearly writhing
o These children need a lot of effort and focus when trying to do a particular job such as constipation cup or brushing teeth, to the inability to find the required balance in harmony and consistency of movement, and the presence of flickers and shivers.

Problems associated with:
In addition to motor problems, these children suffer from:
o difficulties Audiovisual
o speech difficulties and drooling
o epileptic seizures
o different degree of intelligence

Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis
Is a chronic inflammatory diseases that affect the joints and tendons and ligaments when they relate to the bone, which primarily affects the joints pivot, which include spine, sacroiliac joints sacroiliac joints, which cause adhesion paragraphs, may include peripheral joints.


Inflammation placements adhesion ligaments and tendons bone is the process sick first, and bone growth interactive, which grows with each new bout occur, and unrest have structural primarily, and a premium spine ankylosis of the spine, and the inclusion of joints thigh, knees, and incidentally may include small joints , may also cause inflammation of the plantar fascia plantar fasciitis.

And problems outside the bone associated with ankylosing spondylitis may include uveitis iritis, and uveitis uveitis, and inflammation of the aorta aortitis, and lung fibrosis pulmonary fibrosis, and amyloidosis amyloidosis, and inflammatory bowel disease inflammatory bowel disease, and neurological complications are subluxation of the vertebrae cervical first and second, and the tendency for fractures cervical paragraphs as a result of any minor trauma, spinal crush spinal stenosis in the cervical spine and lumbar, and chronic inflammation, and cauda equina syndrome cauda equina syndrome, and poor nerve roots radiculopathy due to a fracture or compression.

Rates of the disease:
Generally Valasabh represent about 1.4% of the population.

Relationship of the disease to sex:
Incidence in male to female is about 3 to 1.

Relationship of the disease by age:
Up injuries to peak between the ages of 15 to 30 years, and no pattern affects events.


The disease at the age of tens and twenties, and large joints of the lower party covered the disease is common in the style that affects events for coverage in the style that affects adults.

Patient usually describes the gradual start of lower back pain for 3 months or more, and the pain can be described as follows:

Be severe in the morning and improves during the day.

Improves with activity and increases with comfort.

Pain is his style gradually rising from the bottom to the top, of the cervical spine to the thoracic spine and then to the cervical spine.

About 25% of patients initially complain of pain near joints of the body, and rarely a patient complains of pain the small joints.

The patient may describe the pain and stiffness ribs of the rib cage.

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The presence of pain when pressure on the sacroiliac joints, and loss of normal lumbar lordosis lumbar lordosis, and the presence of a limited range of movement cotton.

In the early stages of the disease may be the extent to which the movement due to muscle spasm, but in the end be due to the integration of the bone.

A restriction on the expansion of the chest.

Range of motion for each paragraphs be restricted, and when you do not treat chronic conditions increased thoracic kyphosis thoracic kyphosis, and the resulting situation makes the patient can not look to the horizon.

Joints that are injured topped with sharp color purple.


The onset of the disease and increase the intensity suddenly may be the result of environmental factors are not well understood.

Supposed to benign microbes or viruses, similar to antigenically joints ligaments in humans, may be among the causes of the disease.

When people who are predisposed, may alert a simple infection abnormal immune response.

Laboratory tests:
There may be anemia low-grade chronic diseases.

Results of analyzes of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), and rheumatoid factor (RF), are in the normal range.

C-reactive protein c-reactive protein could increase with the increase in disease activity, but not the best indicator of the speed of sedimentation.

Alkaline phosphatase blood serum alkaline phosphatase may rise in the time in which it occurs active reformulation of bone active bone remodeling.

Be human blood cell antigen - my 27 positive in 90-95% of the time, but it does not always exist, and its existence is not enough for diagnosis, and the role of this examination assistant when the diagnosis is not clear.

Cerebrospinal fluid proteins can occur by a simple increase during acute Altfaqmat.

Radiology tests:

Mini rays on the pelvis showing inflammation or merger of the joint sacroiliac.

Rays on the spine may show an ossification ossification Rabat anterior longitudinal anterior longitudinal ligament of the ligaments spine spinal ligaments, and a merger joints Wajihiya facet joints, and feel gives expression spine bamboo bamboo spine, however integration extends to paragraphs, it might be when the patient spine poker players.

CT scan shows the integration of the bone, and corroded plates eroded laminae and spinous process.

There may be a need to work MRI, to confirm the presence subluxation Gahqa pivotal, and may be required after trauma to evaluate the spinal cord, and the exclusion syndrome cauda equina, and epidural hematoma, may be acquired cauda equina inflammatory (and where the tunnel spinal spinal canal or natural with a large presence of diverticula diverticula of cerebrospinal fluid, which can be seen well MRI images), or stressful.

Other tests:
There may be a need to work suction means detailed joint aspiration to exclude septic arthritis septicarthritis.

In ankylosing spondylitis may reveal synovial fluid examination for the presence of the large number of leukocytes rates neutrophilic leukocytosis

Medical care:
Treatment includes the following principles:
Exercise and workouts.

Medicines to reduce pain and inflammation, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory non-steroidal are more treatments used, and lotion Asalafaslazen sulfasalazine be influential in treatment when coverage joints terminal, used as preparations steroids steroids and immunosuppressive, and injected steroids topically given respite from the symptoms of inflammation, giving anti-tumor necrosis (alpha) is a valuable recent addition to the treatment options, which when used quickly reduce symptoms and slow the progression of the disease, but their use is very expensive.

Diagnosis and treatment of potential complications.

Surgical Care:

Surgical treatment may be necessary for some complications inflammation ankylosing spondylitis.

Merger surgical surgical fusion may be required to install the partial dislocation axial Algahqa.

Need cervical spine fractures of the spine to install and is done through a collar halo, and in the past was not being surgical merger, and with the presence of neurological deficits recommended early surgical intervention to integrate work, which improves neurological deficit after surgery.

Surgery is rarely required to correct thoracic kyphosis others accompanied by complications, and in the case of the presence of functional damage, correct spinal deformity spinal deformity may be necessary, however, deaths after surgery as a result of various complications be about 4%.

Fractions paragraphs thoracic and lumbar need to reduce displacement and installation, which is usually using rods rods, and is rarely found a need for laminectomy laminectomy.

Relieve pressure restricting cervical or lumbar spinal be required when the disease include the neural structure.

When includes disease-bearing joints of the body weight, it may be the work of hip replacement or knee replacement is necessary, and the most common surgeries performed in these cases is a calendar of the joints.

Medical advice:
Patients who complain of eye pain, and vision change or increased secretion of tears, you should consult a specialist eye diseases for the evaluation and treatment of uveitis. And uveitis, and rule out other causes for these cases.

Chest pain may need further evaluation by a specialist heart disease, or a specialized disease of the lungs, and reflux aortic valve, which is accompanied bring heart heart block may need further treatment, and because cirrhosis summit lungs allows infected opportunism, the Care lungs are necessary.

Advice bone specialist or specialist neurological diseases will be required in the event of spinal trauma spinal trauma, or when there is persistent pain, or neurological deficits.

When the inclusion of disease-bearing joints of the body weight, or shoulder joint, or plantar fasciitis plantar fasciitis patient needs bone specialist advice

If there Inflammatory bowel disease patient needs the advice of a specialist in diseases of the digestive system.

Patient Activity:

The daily movements of the curvature and torsion, and the exercise of a nice range of athletic movements helps prevent disability status postural deformity, and reduce the range of motion of the joint.

Breathing exercises are important in preventing stop the movement of the chest wall.
Encourage the development of good sleep on a small pillow and mattress crusty, whether in a lying down on the back supine or المنبطح situation prone.

Khula partial Algahqa pivotal atlantoaxial subluxation, may occur automatically and can be accompanied by impairment of spinal severe, which is located at about 20% of patients who have an average infection have 10 years, and myelopathy who needs merger surgical affects about 2% of patients.

Cervical fractures paragraphs are not uncommon, which is usually present when people with advanced cases, and arise as a result of minor trauma, and be between the cervical spine injury 5.6 or 6.7 cervical spine.

Myelopathy neck cervical myelopathy may arise as a result of tightening cervical spinal cervical spinal stenosis.

Thoracic fractures paragraphs and cotton, are less common than vertebral fracture neck, which usually arise due to minor trauma and may be multiple, and neurological deficit resulting severe and frequent.

Lumbar stenosis may give rise to a cauda equina syndrome.

Ill nerve roots radiculopathy may occur as a result of narrow holes foraminal stenosis, and intervertebral disc disease, and broken at the level of the nerve root.

Fate of the disease:
Pain and stiffness is common, and it may be moderate to severe intensity, and problems are few patients in social interaction, and depression is common.

Most patients continue in their jobs, and the number of relatively simple happen they have functional disability, and disability be linked to the duration of disease activity and the movement of the spine, and the inclusion of peripheral joints resulting in larger bug ........

What is ankylosing spondylitis

What is ankylosing spondylitis

What distinguishes this disease is an inflammation of the joints of the spine (vertebrae), hip (Sacroiliac) peripheral arthritis, in general, large joints Kalrkptin and ankle, and inflammation of tendons and ligaments related to bone along the joints (enthesitis - Enthesitis).
Whenever progress spondylitis more, as a result of ongoing inflammation, arising out of new bone. bones to each other as a result of the emergence of modern bones installed paragraphs (bony protrusions Rabatah - Syndesmophyt). Adhesion results in the vertebral column is flexible and relatively stable. And ribs sticking backbone cause reduction of the performance of the respiratory system and lung capacity.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic disease, affecting 129 people out of every 100,000 in the United States. It is more common among men, so a belated diagnosis of more women. Ankylosing spondylitis appears generally in the age group of 16.40.
Reasoned ankylosing spondylitis is unknown, but it is believed there is a connection of heredity as the 90% of patients carrying the gene HLA - B27. Campaign gene with a greater likelihood of rheumatoid spondylitis, but only 2% of people gene develop truly rheumatoid spondylitis. If a carrier of the gene HLA - B27, and was under the age of forty, and has close family infected with spondylitis, the risk of suffering from rheumatoid spondylitis of the 20%. While if there was another person has been present in these same factors, except that he exceeded the age of forty, the potential for injury rheumatoid spondylitis low. If a carrier of the gene has been injured rheumatoid spondylitis, Vaanmalat transferred the gene to his sons the 50%.

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammation of the spine appears in the form of lower back pain that appears when you rest, and get better after doing effort, specifically in the morning, after sleeping, or a pain in the ass. Of additional symptoms - feeling sclerosis, fatigue, weight loss, or an eye injury associated pain (uveitis - Uveitis).
The work is accompanied by pain sometimes standing or walking disorder caused by contact paragraphs, which restricts the movement of the spine. This process caused the emergence of the spine in a bamboo stick (when shooting).
Also show symptoms of spondylitis in the form of breathing disorder caused by contact vertebrae of the spine, which prevents energizes the rib cage when breathing properly. Also lead to the injury of the heart as a result of inflammation of the valves that cause a malfunction of the aortic valve, or inflammation of the arteries that cause inflammation of the aorta (Aortitis).
Infected patients recurrent inflammation in the lungs, a complication more prevalent in the mid-smokers. Show cardiac and pulmonary complications after almost 20 years since the beginning of ankylosing spondylitis, where the stage of the disease is effective.

Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis
Are diagnosed ankylosing spondylitis by integrating results clinical Baltsoaria. There is no laboratory tests to help in diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. Generally high values ​​can be observed for the inflammatory factors. Xrah movement erythropoiesis (ESR), and a high amount of reactive protein (CRP). Is determined by the breadth of inflammation by scale (BASDAI) and the measure of effectiveness on behalf of New York (the degree of day-to-day efficiency and the ability to work and practice facility).

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis
What treatment for ankylosing spondylitis. Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis available works to block access to the paragraphs connection mode, as this situation can not be repaired.

Possible steroid treatment in order to reduce the period of ankylosing spondylitis to a shorter period of time. It is also possible to steroid injections directly into a single detailed and flamed.
What distinguishes these drugs efficacy as an antidote to the inflammation of the joints of the spine. Given to patients who were not forthcoming with previous treatment against active ankylosing spondylitis. Which mode is selected depending on the signs of clinical and laboratory inflammatory.
Physical therapy (Viziotravia), water treatment and regular physical exercise, important for treatment. Recommended swim to prevent curvature of the spine. As it is important to choose the right bed and pillow.
Follow-up is with a specialist doctor for diseases of the joints

How to take care of women genital Abjahazha?

How to take care of women genital Abjahazha?
That the members of the female health care harder than men care ...
And because there are many folds and it secretes Ktheramen secretions to the large glands
Beverage female, and these materials not removed quickly disintegrated and caused odors
How much of the house and the family lost its future Ceuta women's lack of care cleanliness
Genitals, as well as vaginal secretions of many acidic cause leather Altakrchat and well
Clitoris fatty secretions freezes quickly, and Tznk also smell quickly, and finally there
Nozzle urine (0 meatus) that disappear under the labia majora and minora and descend
Some drops of contaminated women's reproductive system, leading to fermentation and the issuance of the smell of urine
Ammoniacal force, can not be wiped out whatever women Tatrt or decorated outwardly. If
A woman wants to maintain their physical and mental health and safety of its members genital
And maintain her home and her husband and say that place Cleanliness hostage everything.
The health of young girls before and near puberty ..
Each mother's love for her daughter to follow the following things.
1 that watching her daughter and ask about the existence of runny white, or any stench.
2 demand care and hygiene its members also will come shortly.
3 must speed up the processing of small bore Bay Silanat Bsrahqubl
Genitals grow and mature and Ngdoa full of rot and blood agent become a hotbed
Khasab bacteria and microbes, and not being shy of her daughter or modesty to explain
Those things taken care of her since infancy.
To learn all or neglecting her daughter spread Alsellanat and secretions or menstrual girls
Young things with such ignorance will lead them to pay attention to its members and tampering
And inadvertently signed in masturbation.
And on Mother every liarits that explain to her daughter what it will accept physical changes
To achieve, and learn what needs to be done and help processing Fotha and other methods
Care Bfaragha, and understanding as well as the health and happiness dependent on the care of those
And future Kkhtaibh and Wife depends not release any odors from her vagina and members of reproduction.
For girls adult That our advice ........
1 Wash the vulva with soap and water once Akhaddh day especially the morning and have to pee first.
2 Wash the virtual parts of the vulva two big Kalshvrin.
3 Wash the interior parts of the vulva and between the folds with hot or warm water.
4 be used sponge Linh reserves for this purpose only.
5 and then use your own towel to finish is rough.
6 that interested in choosing the type of good and appropriate soap non-irritating to the skin.
(Important Note) (not to bring soap inside the vagina for women no soap irritates membrane Almkhati Faraj)
7 Sprinkle a small layer of talc powder and preferably of the type scented lavender (Allound).
That does not Khuzami wondrous effect to absorb odors and control convulsions, a powder known when Attarin.
8 women to the with Atatr vagina pungent perfume animate Alrihh genital Members are not flowers Ppalaraj.
9 The mirror tissues acquisition or Kleenex papers or blotting paper and put a bag
Her hand down to wipe her vagina after every urination and remove traces of urine.
10 use vaginal injections each period after Aicharh her doctor to explain her own way, and its benefits and harms.
11 If a woman wanted to use the likeness and cryptographic Ptnchev and arrested the membrane
Almkhati it vaginal stenosis Faraj more than any other material, which is available at
Downtown (but beware of use always extravagantly because it could harm the walls of the vagina

Green tea contains compounds protect the liver from cirrhosis

Green tea contains compounds protect the liver from cirrhosis
A new study shows for the Korea University scientists that green tea contains compounds protect the liver from cirrhosis.

Scientists have conducted tests on mice where they were given compounds (dmn) causing cirrhosis of the liver and give it a green tea extract.

The results showed that the consumption of green tea extract to prevent cirrhosis resulting from vehicles (dmn) and this was confirmed autopsy results and measure the level of liver liver accumulation of collagen proteins.

The results also showed low liver accumulation of collagen and prevent the production of the type of cell from the liver.

And scientists say that the study showed that green tea is considered a safe and effective way to prevent liver fibrosis and reduce the accumulation of proteins and collagen fibers



• What is leukemia
• symptoms
• the causes and risk factors
• Diagnosis
• treatment
Other names
• Leukemia
• leukemia

What is leukemia
Begins this kind of cancer Baltkon, usually, in the white blood cells.
Enjoys white blood cells ability to fend off and fight various infections and pollution. Grow these cells, in general, are very sound and divided according to the needs of the body. But, in the case of injury leukemia (leukemia), bone marrow produces in the body a very large amount of abnormal white blood cells (normal / abnormal), which can not functioning as it should.
The blood cancer (leukemia) is not a disease prevalent in children only. Flawhitad leukemia four major items and a wide variety of secondary items, only part of which is widespread in children.
That receive someone notification for diagnosing illness leukemia (leukemia) may raise feelings of anxiety and fear extreme, in what could be an important cancer treatment leukemia vehicle and complex, according to the type of leukemia (leukemia) and depending on many other factors are different. But, there are a variety of ways and a lot of resources that will help the patient cope with leukemia.
Questions and Answers
• What Mtabqhalansjh are required for a bone marrow transplant?
• Why stay patient sometimes after a bone marrow transplant in "isolation" after the transplant?
• What are the symptoms of leukemia?

Symptoms of leukemia
Symptoms vary blood cancer (leukemia) and vary, depending on the type of leukemia. However, the symptoms get common leukemia (leukemia) include:
• fever or shivering
• permanent fatigue, weakness
• frequent infections
• loss of appetite or weight loss

• Easy bleeding or the appearance of bruises
• shortness of breath during physical activity or when walking up stairs
• the emergence of points / small red spots on the skin (bled a local, topical)
• hyperhidrosis, especially in the night hours
• pain or sensitivity in the bone
Related symptoms unit quantity of abnormal blood cells (abnormal) and accumulation. One may overlook the initial signs and symptoms of leukemia disease (because it resembles the signs and symptoms of influenza (flu) or other common diseases).

The causes and risk factors for leukemia
Doctors classify leukemia, usually, in two ways:
1. By the pace of progress:
The classification is based first on the pace of progress of the disease.
Acute leukemia / dangerous - in acute leukemia, abnormal blood cells are primitive blood cells is sophisticated stubs (Blast). These cells are unable to do its job, and they tend to divide rapidly, so the disease worsens quickly. And requires acute leukemia treatment strong and tight, should start immediately.
Chronic leukemia (Chronic Leukemia) - This type arises from leukemia in adult blood cells (advanced). These cells divide and multiply, or accumulate more slowly and has the unusual ability to work, over a certain period of time. In some chronic leukemia items do not show symptoms of certain disease can remain hidden and undiagnosed for a few years.
2. By infected cells Type:
Second classification depends on the type of blood cells infected.
Lymphocytic leukemia (Lymphocytic Leukemia) - attacking this type of leukemia lymphocytes, responsible for the production of lymphatic tissue.
Alabiad myelogenous (Myelogenous Leukemia) - attacking this type of cells النقوية (Marrow cells) in the spinal cord.
Main kinds:
Types of leukemia (leukemia) Home is:
1.Disease appears when children and adults.
2.He is responsible for 75% of cases of leukemia in children.
3. Lymphatic leukemia chronic (or: lymphocytic leukemia chronic) (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia - CLL) - despite the fact that this type is very widespread and appears in adults, mainly, but a patient can enjoy a sense of well over several years without needing any treatment. It does not appear in children at all, almost.
This gene produces a protein that is properly called tyrosine kinase (Tyrosine kinase) and scientists and doctors believe he is the one who can leukemia cells (leukemia) of evolution and reproduction. The patient suffers this type of blood cancer (leukemia) from a few symptoms, that originally appeared, over a period might take months or even years, before the start of the stage where the cells grow disease and multiply very quickly.
Other chronic defects in lymphoid cells:
As in CML, this group of diseases caused the emergence of leukemia chronic (Chronic leukemia), and through the production, excessive or scarce, the lymphoid cells.Group medical cases this could lead, eventually, to the emergence of leukemia in the spinal cord.

Etiology is clear:
Scientists do not know, yet, what are the real causes of disease leukemia (blood cancer). But, it seems that generates and develops as a result of the meeting of several factors and a variety of genetic and environmental factors, together.
These cells remain undeveloped, but able to reproduce. Because it is sophisticated enough, and is dead also happens to healthy cells, they accumulate and hinder the proper functioning of the vital organs in the body. In the end, abort this process of producing cells healthy and sound.
Attacking chronic leukemia blood cells are the most sophisticated. These cells multiply and accumulate more slowly, so the progression of the disease will be slower, too, but it could be fatal. Specialists still do not know exactly the real reasons for this process to occur.
In the end, created a lack of healthy blood cells and the former would receive health pollution, excessive bleeding and anemia (Anemia). The presence of a very large number of white blood cells that would affect the function of the fabric of bone marrow (Bone marrow tissue) and penetrate to other organs. When lead such a situation to death, it is usually as a result of blood loss sharply or as a result of the infection.
The following factors may increase the risk of some types of leukemia:
Cancer treatment - people who were subjected in the past to certain types of chemical treatment methods (Chemotherapy) or radiation therapy (Radiotherapy) to treat other types of cancer are susceptible to certain types of leukemia, after many years of treatment.
Genetics - it seems that certain genetic deviations that would affect the onset of leukemia. He discovered that certain genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome (Down syndrome), increase the likelihood of developing leukemia.
Exposure to radiation or to certain chemicals - people who have been exposed to very high levels of radiation, such as survivors of the atomic explosion or accident atomic reactor, are, in large part, to leukemia injury. Also, exposure to certain types of chemicals, such as benzene found in unleaded fuel and tobacco smoke and is also used in certain chemical industries, would also increase the risk of certain types of leukemia.
In all cases, the majority of people exposed to these risk factors or belonging to a particular risk group for injury leukemia, do not get it. And a large section of people with leukemia, were not among those who were exposed to these risk factors.

Diagnosis of leukemia
In most cases, doctors diagnosed leukemia disease (leukemia) through a normal blood test, before they have any symptoms appeared.
If this is the case, or if the person suffers from symptoms that may indicate his leukemia, it is likely to be subject to one or more of the following tests:
• physical examination
• blood tests
• immune phenotype (Immunophenotype)
• Examination of the cells (Cytogenic)

And there may be a need to many other tests to confirm the diagnosis and determine the type of leukemia and the degree of spread in the body.
Some types of blood cancer (leukemia) classified into levels, indicating the degree of seriousness and the ravages of the body. Determine the classification of the disease and تدريجه helps the physician in the development of leukemia treatment program optimization and most effective.

Treat leukemia
Unlike other types of cancer, the leukemia (leukemia) does not consist of a solid block Textile doctor can eradication and elimination surgery. Therefore, the treatment of leukemia is very complex.
And respect the complexity of key factors are: age, health status, type of leukemia (leukemia) Will spread to other organs in the body.
The methods of treating leukemia used to fight leukemia include:
• chemotherapy (Chemotherapy)
• kinase inhibitors (Kinase Inhibitors)
• Radiation therapy (Radiotherapy)
• planting pure (Bone Marrow Transplantation)

Definition of chemotherapy

Definition of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a drug (chemicals) anti-cancer Anticancer drugs are also called anti-cancer drugs. These drugs destroy and eliminate the fast-growing cancer cells and stop their growth and division. Cancer cells grow and multiply and divide rapidly works as chemotherapy to block the process of the division of cancer cells and eliminate them. These drugs have been used in the treatment of many cancers throughout the past 40 years, and there are currently more than 30 varieties in use.

And chemotherapy destroys cancer cells in all parts of the body unlike radiotherapy Radiotherapy which is limited only to destroy the cancer cells in a specific part of the body. More than half of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and helps them to recover from cancer and enjoy their lives. And the doctor to develop a plan of chemotherapy vary from patient to patient depending on several factors, including the type of tumor, where cancer, the health status of the patient, the patient's age.

Modus operandi of chemotherapy

The chemotherapy to destroy and eliminate the fast-growing cells. And where the fast-growing cancer cells are growing and multiplying and divided at a greater rate than the rate of growth of the rest of the normal body cells, the chemotherapy is destroyed. And there are some normal cells in the body grow and multiply naturally rapidly, there is no chemotherapy can differentiate between those of normal cells and cancer cells who shall destroy both. It appears in the form of the side effects of chemotherapy. But after chemotherapy ends this effect on normal cells and return to normal.

And there is more than one type of chemotherapy drugs that cancer cells grow in varying degrees. So different from the type of chemical medicine depending on type of cancer cells and their growth rate. As well as each drug has a different modus operandi and effective at a specific time of the life cycle of a cancer cell's target. So competent physician determines the type of chemotherapy drug appropriate for each case.

Routes of administration of chemotherapy

There are several different ways to give chemotherapy

Intravenous injection: in most cases, medication is given chemotherapy by intravenous injection, where a small tube is placed into a vein through the skin (usually in the arm) and be attached to a bag containing medicine chemical Wimmer medicine from the bag to the vein and thus to blood . And through blood up medicine to all parts of the body and begins to attack cancer cells.

Oral: in the form of tablets or capsules or syrup.

Intramuscular injection or injection into the skin

Injection in the spinal fluid.

And treatment is given in the hospital or at home depending on the patient's condition and the type of treatment used.

Uses chemotherapy

There are more than the use of chemotherapy, choose one of them depends on the type of tumor and the stage of the disease and the patient's condition. The use of chemotherapy in the following:

1 - healing from cancer: where chemotherapy is used to totally eliminate cancer cells and cure of cancer.

2 - Cancer Control: where chemotherapy is used to reduce the spread of cancer cells and limit the growth of cancerous tumor growth, as well as the elimination of cells that can spread from the original tumor and invade other parts of the body.

3 - Get rid of the symptoms of cancer: where chemotherapy is used to treat pain caused by cancer.

And chemotherapy may be used alone to treat cancer or may be used in addition to other types of treatment such as surgery, radiation therapy, and biological therapy. And the objective of the use beside other types of therapy as follows:

* Increases the effectiveness of radiation therapy and biological therapy in the treatment of cancer.

* Helps to destroy cancer if there is re-infection after cured, or if the cancer has spread from the original tumor to other parts of the body.

* Used before surgery or cancer before radiotherapy. And aim to reduce the size of the cancerous tumor before surgically excised or by the use of radiation therapy. And called Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.

* Is also used after surgery or after radiation therapy. The goal is to eliminate and get rid of the cancer cells remaining in the body after tumor resection or after radiotherapy. And called Adjuvant Chemotherapy.

How chemotherapy uses

The doctor put a table therapeutic plan for the patient determines the type of chemical medicine and the number of meetings and duration of therapeutic and everything related to chemotherapy. And where there are more than one type of chemical drugs physician who shall choose the most effective drugs in the treatment depending on the type of cancer, stage, and health status of the patient.

And chemotherapy is given in the form of treatment cycles with a period of rest between each session and the next. And includes chemotherapy from 4 - 6 treatment cycles depending on the patient's condition and prescribed by your doctor. And the cycle continues therapeutic per day or more, and repeated every 1 - 4 weeks.

And may be taking the drug chemotherapy in a few minutes or it may take hours depending on the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Side effects of chemotherapy Side Effects

A lot of people are afraid of chemotherapy because of the rumors on the ears of multiple side effects and potential non-chemotherapy. But perhaps that concept long ago it has now become possible to control and prevent many of the side effects of chemotherapy. With some types of chemotherapy patient feels only some minor side effects.

And the patient should be well aware of the symptoms side effects that may occur with treatment and how to deal with them so as not to cause him any problems, either physical or psychological health.

What the cause of the side effects of chemotherapy?
Because the cause of the side effects of chemotherapy that affects not only the cancer cells and lead to the destruction and elimination, but it also may lead to the destruction of healthy cells in the body. Chemical where medications can not distinguish between the fast-growing cancer cells and other body cells growing healthy, such as bone marrow cells Bone marrow, which manufactures various blood cells, hair cells, and the cells lining the mouth and intestines. Is either of the side effects of treatment.

And side effects vary from patient to patient depending on the type of drug used in the treatment, duration of treatment, and health status of the patient. Usually most of the side effects of chemotherapy are temporary gradually disappear after treatment and return to normal healthy cells.

What are the side effects of chemotherapy?
These side effects include the following:

* The lack of the number of white blood cells Neutropenia and HIV Infection

* The lack of blood platelets Thrombocytopenia

* Hair Loss Hair Loss

* Nausea and vomiting Nausea & Vomiting

* Fatigue Fatigue

* Constipation Constipation

* Diarrhea Diarrhea

* Loss of appetite Loss of appetite

* Problems in the mouth and throat Mouth & Throat Problems

* Changes in the skin and nails Skin & Nail Changes

* Pain Pain

* Changes in the nervous system Nervous System Changes

* Infertility Infertility

* Changes nationality Sexual Changes

* Other side effects Other Side Effects