Monday, December 17, 2012

Benefits of walking

U.S. researchers said on walking for a distance of six miles at least some (9 kilometers) a week may be one of the things
That people can do to protect the brain from contraction and resistance to dementia.
A study of about 300 people: traced distance distorted by every week, that those who walked six miles
Least brain shrinkage was associated with age have less than those who walked shorter distances.
(The size of the brain shrinks in aging, which can cause memory problems.
Our results should encourage well-designed trials of physical training in the elderly كتوجه promising to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease)
. And kills Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, brain cells slowly and studies have shown that activities such as walking boost brain size.
Scientists say that walking is useful in improving the performance of the heart and maintain health and reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure
And improve metabolism and utilization of nutrients, since studies indicate that the metabolic rate
Be slow in human fat which is not practiced movement, while be rapid metabolism has practiced movement or sport
And strengthens bones and preserve the health of the joints and strengthens muscles and alleviates stress,
The sport is generally conducive to the secretion of endorphins, which gives hormone human feeling comfortable and happy.
It is known that walking thus relieve tension and anxiety disorders from the pressures of everyday life that does not end.
Through practicing sports activities including hiking gets rights on the self-concept of the positive side
Where he was happy and pleased and optimistic outlook to his character and the same. Walking preserves the balance of rights and maintains his fitness simplest kinds of sports,
Once walking acquires rights a lot of fitness and eliminates many of the diseases that
Can that Taatari rights to the large sitting and moving less, and walking is a sport center between sports there is Baniv Vejehd body
And leads to muscle hypertrophy as we see it when practicing athletics, nor is it so bad and access rights with him
To sag so walking is a compromise to resist what is produced by the left.